Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wonderful, Merciful Savior

For the past week I have had a song running through my head, and have been singing it over and over again. "Wonderful Merciful Savior." I thought I would look up the history of the song to see what spark of  inspiration was behind it (which I do quite often with music). Well, it was written in 1989 by Dawn Rodgers and Eric Wyse, and to my surprise, there was no dramatic story behind it. The writer just heard a melody in her head and the song with lyrics came to be within the following week. It just fell into place, starting with this melody that came out of nowhere. That is awesome. I love it.

I posted this picture depicting the account of Jesus forgiving the woman caught in adultery in the book of John 8:1-11. To me this is such an awesome example of what a wonderful, merciful, Savior is capable of doing. How many times have we done something and wanted to be forgiven? How many times have we not forgiven others? How many time will Jesus forgive? Seven times seventy times infinity I say. I remember when I first came to know the Lord...I needed to know I could start over again-that I could be forgiven. That is what this picture reminds me about- the days when I first came to know Jesus. This song causes me to pause and reflect on the goodness of my Lord and Savior. He is the one that offered me hope when I hopelessly lost the way- He gave the healing and grace my heart always hungered for. The same hope is the hope He gives today. It's timeless, limitless and abounding with grace.


  1. this song gives me strength when am discouraged and weak

  2. One time the devil used people to scandalize my name but thank God , he gave me hope when i was hopeless, he rescued me from going atray
    .God is merciful to me. i will never stop listening to this song.

  3. The lyrics in this song are beautiful. It's being brought to the forefront again. This is true musical worship as so many songs of today do not do. We'll be using it in our music portion of our service this Sunday.

  4. Thank you for your wonderful insite into this beautiful song.

  5. Glad to have it back on our church song list. Our worship band will be doing it again this Sunday because it speaks to the human heart.

  6. Sadly, the week after I posted here, our church closed its doors for good and we never got to sing it. But I love the heart for Jesus that is written into this song.

  7. This song, no matter whose recording of it I hear, just touches my heart with how awesome our Savior is. It's been my favorite for some time now.
