Wednesday, October 19, 2011

All My Days

Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."
Matt. 9:37,38

So it's fall again. Although the season is quite beautiful, I have in the past, seemed to dread the arrival of it. To me it was a reminder that everything green is gonna die and soon the long months of cold weather will be upon us.
This time I see it differently.
I am looking forward to this season with expectation and awe. It has been some time since I have posted a blog and I felt it was time that I take it up again. Life is beautiful. I want to live every day like it's my last. So grateful to the Lord for so many things... I have a wonderful husband, We have our health, we have a roof over our heads...But the greatest thing ever is knowing that even in the hard times we are content, clinging on to the the truth which Jesus has provided for us. Our prayer is that He would continue to use us for His work and share the love of Christ to those who need a touch from Him.
Today we hear it from all directions- nothing but bad news all the time, on the news, inflation...the world seems to be in complete chaos. Questions like-"who's gonna fix it and when" are flying back and forth like nobody's business. Yet in the midst of it all we hear a quiet voice that says "be still." Be still and know that God has it all under control. And He sure does!
Anyhow, glad to be back on here to share my thoughts and other happenings in our life. Gracious Vine Music (the worship band I am a member of) will be playing at Kings Corner this Friday night- Open Mic Night. I soo enjoy using the gifts that He has given me to worship anytime- anyplace. I'm sure it will be a great night. Other artists will be sharing also so it's gonna be really cool!

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