Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Faith Like A Child

"Show me Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; on You I wait all the day."
 Psalm 25:4-5

How many times have I sat and thought,"Why didn't I just try " or "Should I have pushed just a little harder?" I have had many of those moments. It's not that I feel I failed at anything I have put my hands to- it's just that I know when I could have been more persevering in what the Lord was asking of me. I needed more faith. I need to completely trust one hundred percent that the Lord is speaking and leading. I know He is- it's just I want to completely embrace it.

 I believe I am walking into that now and it's a very secure place to be. I feel the most secure when I choose to trust God in whatever predicament I come across. The situation could be tiny or of the utmost significance. I sometimes can't even wrap my head around it-  I just choose to believe and walk it out. I hope to say it's like having childlike faith. Children are amazing. They see the world through a different set of eyes and are very trusting. That's where I want to be. I want to believe and trust God on a more deeper level and get a touch from Him.

So this is my prayer- "Oh Lord, help me trust You and believe You for the impossible and the possible in my life. Lord help me see from Your perspective- always... lead me in the way to go and I will follow."

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